Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maintain Your Focus (Originally posted on 6/16)

Lots of bases to cover (car repairs, job hunting and more). Some good news. Refunds in a few places will help in the move.

The other? More of fighting symptoms and trying not to black out. The full terror of being raped still comes out (many times at the worst times). These days we alway take a weapon with us in our bag when we leave the house (right now, a knife). We looked into getting a gun. Then we thought, someone with PTSD having a gun? Not a good idea. On the other hand, you have to protect yourself. Even if it's a lucid dream, that doesn't matter. You have to fight back.

Despair at times is crippling. We turn everything off and just sit by the window in the living room. Or, we go out on the balcony and just sit and listen to the wind in the trees. We won't give them the satisfaction and off ourselves. But also, you have no control over other's bhavior (unless you're the boss). You then have to set boundaries and protect yourself. You're not obligated to just sit and be treated like s**t.

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