Thursday, October 20, 2011

An Overview

Time to stay in for a while and kick back. We're officially taking a break from as much triggering stuff as possible  (unless we have to look because of work). Everybody has their point where they say enough. And we've reached ours.

Instead, focus on positive things. If you're new to this blog, thanks for checking us out. It's a mix of holistic information. Diet, exercise, a mix of links and more to give you an idea of what the daily struggle is like to fight PTSD symptoms (regardless of the trauma you're dealing with). If you want the standard "Health and Human services think tank version" of PTSD, please go elsewhere. Here, it's very raw at times. However, if we lie there's no point in writing this. We try to put disclaimers where we can. Then again, you can't please everybody all the time. Hope you understand.

What's in the links? Studies, music clips, a beautiful sunset. A total mix to hopefully help to give you some sense of calmness as you're fighting to regain your balance. The crisis centers we list have to meet certain criteria:

Do they have staff trained in dealing with PTSD clients?
Do guy rape survivors freak them out?
If someone has PTSD but isn't a vet, can they handle it?

The last thing someone in crisis needs is to be judged or blown off. Then, have even more stress to deal with. If you know of helpful crisis centers, let us know. However, keep in mind we have final say over who we link to. The last thing we need is to be bought out or controlled by someone else. It won't happen.

Finally, please link us everywhere you can. Also please, NO SPAM LINKS. Frankly, you know you'll get deleted. So why waste your time and ours doing it to begin with? Don't do it.

Check out the new links and thanks for the time.

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